Package: EconGeo 1.3

Pierre-Alexandre Balland

EconGeo: Computing Key Indicators of the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities

Functions to compute a series of indices commonly used in the fields of economic geography, economic complexity, and evolutionary economics to describe the location, distribution, spatial organization, structure, and complexity of economic activities. Functions include basic spatial indicators such as the location quotient, the Krugman specialization index, the Herfindahl or the Shannon entropy indices but also more advanced functions to compute different forms of normalized relatedness between economic activities or network-based measures of economic complexity. Most of the functions use matrix calculus and are based on bipartite (incidence) matrices consisting of region - industry pairs.

Authors:Pierre-Alexandre Balland <[email protected]>

EconGeo.pdf |EconGeo.html
EconGeo/json (API)

# Install 'EconGeo' in R:
install.packages('EconGeo', repos = c('', ''))

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4.96 score 41 stars 44 scripts 349 downloads 50 exports 5 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:420c3c5d04. Checks:1 OK, 7 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-winERRORMar 01 2025
R-4.5-macERRORMar 01 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORMar 01 2025
R-4.4-winERRORMar 01 2025
R-4.4-macERRORMar 01 2025
R-4.3-winERRORMar 01 2025
R-4.3-macERRORMar 01 2025



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Help pageTopics
Compute the number of co-occurrences between industry pairs from an incidence (industry - event) matrixco.occurrence
Compute a simple measure of diversity of regionsdiversity
Compute the ease of recombination of a given technological classease.recombination
Compute the Shannon entropy index from regions - industries matricesentropy
Generate a data frame of entry events from multiple regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition for the different periods)entry.list
Generate a matrix of entry events from two regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition from two different periods)entry.mat
Generate a data frame of exit events from multiple regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition for the different periods)exit.list
Generate a matrix of exit events from two regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition from two different periods)exit.mat
Compute the expy index of regions from regions - industries matricesexpy
Create regular data frames from regions - industries matricesget.list
Create regions - industries matrices from regular data framesget.matrix
Compute the Gini coefficientGini
Generate a matrix of industrial growth by industries from two regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition from two different periods)growth.ind
Generate a data frame of industrial growth in regions from multiple regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition for the different periods)growth.list
Generate a data frame of industrial growth in regions from multiple regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition for the different periods)growth.list.ind
Generate a data frame of region growth from multiple regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition for the different periods)growth.list.reg
Generate a matrix of industrial growth in regions from two regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition from two different periods)growth.mat
Generate a matrix of industrial growth by regions from two regions - industries matrices (same matrix composition from two different periods)growth.reg
Compute the Hachman index from regions - industries matricesHachman
Compute the Herfindahl index from regions - industries matricesHerfindahl
Plot a Hoover curve from regions - industries matricesHoover.curve
Compute the Hoover GiniHoover.Gini
Compute the Hoover indexHoover.index
Compute a measure of complexity from the inverse of the normalized ubiquity of industriesinv.norm.ubiquity
Compute an index of knowledge complexity of regions using the eigenvector methodKCI
Compute the Krugman index from regions - industries matricesKrugman.index
Compute location quotients from regions - industries matriceslocation.quotient
Compute average location quotients of regions from regions - industries matriceslocation.quotient.avg
Compute the locational Gini coefficient from regions - industries matriceslocational.Gini
Plot a locational Gini curve from regions - industries matriceslocational.Gini.curve
Plot a Lorenz curve from regional industrial countsLorenz.curve
Re-arrange the dimension of a matrix based on the dimension of another matrixmatch.mat
Compute a measure of modular complexity of patent documentsmodular.complexity
Compute a measure of average modular complexity of technologiesmodular.complexity.avg
Compute an index of knowledge complexity of regions using the method of reflectionMORc
Compute an index of knowledge complexity of industries using the method of reflectionMORt
Compute a measure of complexity by normalizing ubiquity of industriesnorm.ubiquity
Compute the prody index of industries from regions - industries matricesprody
Compute an index of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) from regions - industries matricesRCA
Compute the relatedness between entities (industries, technologies, ...) from their co-occurence matrixrelatedness
Compute the relatedness density between regions and industries from regions - industries matrices and industries - industries matricesrelatedness.density
Compute the relatedness density between regions and industries that are not part of the regional portfolio from regions - industries matrices and industries - industries matricesrelatedness.density.ext
Compute the average relatedness density of regions to industries that are not part of the regional portfolio from regions - industries matrices and industries - industries matricesrelatedness.density.ext.avg
Compute the relatedness density between regions and industries that are part of the regional portfolio from regions - industries matrices and industries - industries
Compute the average relatedness density within the regional portfolio from regions - industries matrices and industries - industries
Compute the Hoover coefficient of specialization from regions - industries matricesspec.coeff
Compute an index of knowledge complexity of industries using the eigenvector methodTCI
Compute a simple measure of ubiquity of industriesubiquity
Compute a weighted average of regions or industries from regions - industries matricesweighted.avg
Compute the z-score between technologies from an incidence matrixzScore